Events and concerts in Serbia

The Smile


The Smile is a British rock band that holds a special place in the history of music as the predecessor of the legendary rock band Queen. Inspired by the great musicians of their time, guitarist Brian May, vocalist and bassist Tim Staffel and drummer Roger Taylor created The Smile to bring their talents to life in sound form.

Thanks to our website, you can purchase tickets for concerts and events in which The Smile participates. Thanks to our convenient and fast online ticket booking system, you no longer need to waste time searching, waiting or complicated procedures. Just visit our website, where you can easily and quickly buy tickets for events.

We understand that every The Smile concert is a unique musical and visual show that is worth seeing. Therefore, we have done everything possible to make the purchase of tickets for events simple, convenient and enjoyable. Don't miss the opportunity to become a part of rock music history and purchase tickets on our website right now!