Events and concerts in SerbiaAddress



Splin is a Russian rock band from St. Petersburg, founded on May 27, 1994. The permanent leader of the group is Alexander Vasiliev, a talented musician and poet, whose lyrics and music have won the hearts of millions of fans. The group Splin is known for its deep and philosophical lyrics, as well as melodic compositions, which have become an integral part of Russian rock culture.

Over the years of its existence, Spleen has released many albums, each of which has become a real event in the world of music. Hits such as “No Exit”, “My Heart”, “Orbit Without Sugar” became the calling cards of the group and have not lost their popularity to this day. Spleen's concerts are always sold out, gathering full houses of fans eager to hear their favorite songs performed live.

Each Spleen concert is a unique event, filled with emotions and energy. Join thousands of fans and be part of this musical celebration. You can buy tickets for Spleen concerts on our website now.